Community-led Research

2023 State of the MO Pro is out now!

You can download the latest report here.

Community-led Research

The 2021 State of The Marketing Operations Professional "MO Pro"

The MO Pros Community and HubSpot partnered up to explore the challenges and opportunities of marketing operations. We surveyed over 750 mo pros to find out what their responsibilities are, what tools they’re using, and what they need to grow. We learned how they feel about their role and what they need from their organization and leaders to be successful.

Inside the report:

  • 20+ Key Insights (bulleted for easy sharing)
  • Learn who marketing ops professionals are
    • Salary Insights
    • Career Drivers & Passions
    • Etc.
  • Brand new data on marketing ops software, KPIs, and more
  • Marketing operations pain points and challenges
  • What marketing ops individuals and teams need to feel supported
  • Actionable steps you can take to better understand marketing operations


Real Marketing Operations Pros
Shared This and More in the Research!

β€œA lot of companies think of marketing operations/automation as "just" email. As we all know, it's much more than that, but how do we relay that to our leadership teams?”

With the data from this report!! πŸ’₯

Relaying what it means to be a Marketing Operations Professional is a primary driver for our research and is one of the key reasons we want the community to continue contributing to this research. 

Download The 2021 Research

"What good [are] more campaigns and content if you don't have the expertise to execute and measure ROI of those investments?”

β€œThere is always something new to learn, or a new puzzle to solve. This is a logical, thinking role with a lot of 'doing.'”


61% of mo pros are the primary admin for their Marketing Automation Platform


Level Pay for Experience Levels

We didn't want to just ask "do you make enough?". Instead, we asked, "do you make enough based on your experience level". Maybe people frame their responses with that in mind, but hey... we all want to make more money, right?!

Inside the report, we break down responses by years of experience, role, and more!


Most respondents used Chrome, but more use Opera than Edge!

This was data we definitely didn't intend to collect, but is fun to share!

Out of all survey participants, the most popular browser to use was Chrome! Fun fact, there were more Opera users than Microsoft Edge! πŸ˜‚


Hey! πŸ‘‹ You reached the bottom of this rather short page. 🀷

So, what'ya say you download that report and then keep in touch by following our LinkedIn, YouTube, Podcast and Community?