This lucrative direct mail package from North A...View Swipe
Direct Mail Package from North American Fishing Club
This highly-effective direct mail packag...View Swipe
Direct Mail Package from Cooking Club of America
This winning direct mail package was for ...View Swipe
Direct Mail Package from Handyman Club of America
The ads below (from 5 different companies) all ...View Swipe
Ads Using The “Disruption” Hook
The two ads below are both selling different st...View Swipe
Anti-Wrinkle Cream Ads Using The Same “Reduce Up to 56%” Hook
While browsing a t-shirt forum, I came across t...View Swipe
Long-Running Banner Ad Copy from Shopify
eCommerce, SAAS (Software as a Service)
The two ad variations below for Shopify have be...View Swipe
Ad Message Testing from Shopify
The compilation below contains a variety of seg...View Swipe
Niche-Targeted Display Ads from Shopify
What happens when big companies screw up? It's ...View Swipe
Compilation of Various Apology Ads
This apology ad campaign from Wells Fargo was i...View Swipe
Apology Ad Campaign from Wells Fargo
Towards the end of 2015, Chipotle had a major d...View Swipe
Apology Print Ad from Chipotle
This advertorial, written by Gary Halbert, is u...View Swipe
Million Dollar Smile Ad by Gary Halbert
Similar to the advice-column advertorials showc...View Swipe
“The Tooth Doctor” Advertorial Compilation
Upon researching dental advertising, I certainl...View Swipe
“Dental News” Advertorial Compilation
Few businesses out there, especially local ones...View Swipe
“Calling All 3 Year Olds” Event Strategy for Dentists
As a kid, I specifically remember my name being...View Swipe
“No Cavity Club” Marketing Strategy for Dentists
Below are eleven newspaper advertisements for F...View Swipe
Fina “Pink Air” Campaign (1961-1963) by Howard Gossage
Industrial, Services
A very successful 4-page sales letter for Board...View Swipe
“Read 300 Business Magazines In 30 Minutes” Sales Letter by Eugene Schwartz (for Boardroom)
The two ads below come from a very successful c...View Swipe
Rainier Ale “Classical Sweatshirts” Ad Campaign by Howard Gossage
Fashion, Alcohol
The two ads below come from a successful campai...View Swipe
Rainier Ale “Coach Stahl” Ad Campaign by Howard Gossage
The two ads below, created by David Ogilvy, are...View Swipe
Hathaway Shirt “Yale Story” Ad by David Ogilvy
When it comes to Ogilvy's Hathaway ads, the fir...View Swipe
Hathaway Shirt “Ellerton Jette” Ad by David Ogilvy
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