original sound - TheNeedleTok
My first winter in Buffalo, my babysitter was able to push me out the 2nd floor window into the snow without me getting hurt
when the video already starts at 4 feet that's how you know it's going to be crazy
I feel like you guys got all the snow for everyone for winter. We can just cancel the rest of winter and go straight to spring now 😂
My HOA would still give me a ticket for not having my sidewalk clear in 24hr
I wonder how the animal survive like the deer and whatever animals upstate New York has to offer. they just buried in 6 ft of snow?
I’m a native Chicagoan and this scares me 😂 I’ve only ever seen about 2ft at once
pt 1...looks so fun and exciting bc I love snow. pt 2 just made snow slightly terrifying for me lol
Used to jump from my grandmothers garage roof into snow like this when i was younger 😂👍 still would if there was this much rn
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