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Kim Kardashian Acquires Bejeweled Cross Worn By Princess Diana For $197,453

Updated Jan 19, 2023, 06:14am EST
This article is more than 2 years old.

Kim Kardashian placed the winning bid for the Attallah Cross at Sotheby’s London Royal and Noble auction that concluded Wednesday. The bejeweled pendant was worn by Princess Diana on at least one occasion.

Four collectors competed for the amethyst and diamond pendant during the last five minutes of the online auction featuring historic objects from royal and noble families, Sotheby’s said in a statement. Ultimately, a representative for Kardashian won the piece. The final price was $197,453, well above the $144,400 high estimate.

The Attallah cross in the fleurée style – distinctive through its flowery design details – is a pendant created in 1920s by court jewelers Garrard, which Princess Diana was said to have admired. The one documented occurrence of her wearing the cross was in October 1987 at a charity gala in support of Birthright, which works towards the protection of human rights during pregnancy and childbirth. She wore the pendant with a pearl rope. It was paired with a Catherine Walker dress.

The cross was owned by the former group chief executive of Asprey & Garrard, the late Naim Attallah. It’s believed that through his friendship with the late princess, Attallah loaned it to her several times over a number of years to wear at events, Sotheby’s said. It is also believed that Princess Diana was the only person to ever wear the jewel and it was never seen in public again after her death.

The cross-shaped pendant is believed to be a one-off private commission by Garrard for one of its regular clients. It is set with square-cut amethysts and accented by circular-cut diamonds. It has a total diamond weight of approximately 5.25 carats and measures approximately 136 x 95mm.

Princess Diana had a long-standing relationship with Garrard. She selected her engagement ring from the luxury jeweler in 1981. Over the years she would collaborate with Garrard and wear pieces from the jewelry house on many occasions, including after her divorce. In her last public appearance, she wore what has come to be known as the Swan Lake necklace, a diamond and South Sea pearl necklace which Garrard made in collaboration with her.

It was the top lot of Sotheby’s Royal and Noble sale, which was held January 6 – 18. It featured an eclectic group of items including furniture, ceramics and decorative pieces.

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