The Hustle: AI job automation survey
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Are you a CEO? *
Do you work in the field of AI and/or job automation? *
Do you think certain jobs (e.g. factory work, transportation, food service, content creation) could potentially be automated, or replaced by AI, in the near future?  *
Do you think the role of CEO could potentially be automated, or replaced by AI, in the near future? *
Which of the following job responsibilities do you think could be replicated by AI/automation tools? (Please select all that apply.) *
Please elaborate on why you believe, or do not believe, that CEOs can/should be automated. *
What differentiates a CEO from other workers when it comes to potential job automation? *
OPTIONAL: If you'd be open to sharing your thoughts in a brief follow-up interview for a story The Hustle is working on, please share your full name, profession, and email address below.
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